Thursday, April 18, 2013

Back down

I weighed in this morning on my scales - during HCC, they ran pretty close to the scales at the gym.  The only difference being that the gym showed a 10th of a pound and mine doesn't... but I weighed in yesterday at the gym and had maintained my weight - but it was after another grueling workout when I'd drank another 32 oz of water!

I'm going to an iPad seminar today and will be away all day and won't be able to get into the gym in time to weigh.... the scales here say I'm down a pound! I'm going to take it, because honestly, I need it! And starting next week I'll have to transition to the home scales anyway, so now's a good time, right?

Tomorrow the new team is doing the Custom's house downtown but I don't know if I can do that - not supposed to come down the stairs because of my knee... which is why I loved Tyler's Bee Street Garage stints (never thought I'd say that) because we went down in the elevator before starting anew... I may go anyway though - I'm on the fence.  Next week I will only be able to go to Monday's workout because of a senior trip that I'm heading up (God help me) to Disney/Universal.

I'll keep you posted :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bumming Hard... New Plan of Action Starting NOW!

SO - I probably should have waited until tomorrow to weigh-in because I drank 24 oz of water during our killer workout this morning! But no, I weighed in after working out and have gained 4 pounds :(  It's amazing how quickly it comes back on! I didn't weigh-in last week, which had to be one of my downfalls - because if I had gained week last week, I would have worked harder this past week.  BUMMER.

So I need a new plan of action. I haven't been writing my foods down - which is unfortunate because I have a fancy new food journal.... oh, and because when I don't journal, it shows.  So here are my steps to getting back on track:
1) journal EVERYTHING I eat - regardless of the whether it's "good" or "bad"
2) make a game plan each week of my daily intake, so I know what I have left over for emergency calories
3) workout EVERY day (I may have been slacking on that one)
4) in addition to the regular workout, go back to doing my 30 minute interval 5/7 days (haven't been doing this at all...)
5) no more cheats!

I worked out with my group training program this morning and it was the kind of workout where afterwards you are drenched with sweat... followed by bouts of thinking I was going to throw up (Tyler says this means it's a good workout).  I was with "other" Julia, and Judy - reminded me of being with all the Julia's in our family :) It was great - they are in better shape than I am, so I pushed myself to keep up with them.  I ate 1/2 a banana before working out and 1/2 an orange after working out... (vs. some other choices I've recently made).  I'm still slightly about the 10 pound mark and I am NOT going to let this bring me down! I am going to keep plugging hard and I refuse to let this completely derail me!!

And on the off-chance that that was water weight + whatever other weight, I hope to lose it all next week... :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not able to do the challenge :(

Well, I missed last week's weigh-in... but I just read over the rules and though I can miss 1 weigh-in, you HAVE to weigh-in during the first weigh-in and the last weigh-in... unfortunately for me, the last weigh-in is during the week I will be taking the seniors to Disney for the week... so I can't win the $75 gym bucks! :(  But I will keep updating you all with the weekly weigh-ins! And then I will either start weighing in at home or maybe still use the scales at the gym if they are still available!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Goals Accomplished!! Ready to set NEW ones!!

Goals for 1st couple of months = doing an extra 30 minutes of cardio outside of team workouts 3X/week AND pushing it harder in team workouts :)

Rewards = 1) new pair of running shoes ------> CHECK!! Bought Newton's about 6 weeks ago and have been using them for every work out... LOVE THEM
2) Hair cut at Lava Salon ------> CHECK!! Well, will be checked off later this morning! I was waiting until I could tell a difference in the weight loss - but I can't - not in my face... but everyone else can and so I've decided to reward myself anyway - regardless of what my mind is telling me!

As soon as gmail/blgger dashboard starts cooperating, I will change the next goals/rewards:

Goals for next 3 months (so through end of June):
1) lose 2 lbs per week for a total of (26 pounds) (My body proves to be unreliable in the poundage lost - I can work my heart out and only lose 1.4 pounds... so I will be happy with healthy weight loss over the next 13 weeks - and if it's 13 pounds, that's fine  so 13 - 26 pounds is the new-ish goal)

2) Train for and run (no walking!) a 5K - my next 5K is June 22nd - so this is a doable goal!! (Which is the point, right?)  Originally my 2-6 month goal was to train for and run a 10K, but I'm not there yet and that's okay! I ran a "color run" on March 23rd and was able to run ~ 1.5 miles without stopping... so training for this is going to be great!

Rewards for next 3 months:
1) Get a heart-rate monitor! The beauty of this is that it will help me with my 2nd goal! I'm all about monitoring and pacing myself out there to get the most of my runs!!

2) Get a massage!! There was some talk that blood thinners = no good for massages... Doc says that though I may look colorful with bruises, that it's fine for me to get them! So bring it!! And I may need it after running a 5K all the way through!

Great way to start the day/week!

So I started my 6AM workout group this morning with Kelsey! It's a great group of 10 people who are ready to work out and to work out HARD! Kelsey sent out an email to everyone but it didn't reach everyone (I'm one of those people) that we were to start at 5:45AM - so when I got there at 6, the rest of the group had a run 1 mile!  Don't know if I have that to expect for Wednesday or not!  The gym is doing renovations on the "upstairs" locker rooms - so everyone in the gym is using the downstairs locker rooms = A LOT more people taking showers when done with their workout... so the 5:45 time is  hopefully going to offset that - thanks Kelsey! (And once you're up for a 6AM workout, really, what's the difference of 15 minutes going to make!?)

There's something wrong with my gmail/blogger account - so I can't update on the side bar my weekly or total weight loss - So I may change it up sometime soon - but last week I lost 0.2 for a total of 14 pounds...

This week is spring break! Still working out everyday!!

This week's plan:
Monday - 6AM-6:45 workout + I may run later today if the rain clears up!
Tuesday - Evening water aerobics class with Marty (!!)
Wednesday - 5:45 AM workout + interval training on elliptical afterwards? Why not, right?
Thursday - something fun I haven't tried yet
Friday - 5:45 AM workout + interval training
Saturday - no workout? will be working the bridge run - maybe squats and lunges when we're standing around...
Sunday - morning workout after SL/SP :)

Normally, I would email my plan for the week out to my HCC team, but since that has disbanded, y'all get to see what I'm doing daily and if you want to join me for anything, let me know!! The more the merrier!! :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On my own :)

So on Monday and Wednesday (this morning), I did a 6AM spin class - 6-6:45 in order to get to work on time :) And yesterday I did a surprisingly HARD water aerobics class with Marty - who's class kicked some serious butt! I mean REALLY - lots of swimming sprints, jumping jacks, squats, etc.  I kicked so hard in the swimming sprints that when I stood up I couldn't full stand! What a workout!! It feels really weird to sweat as much as I did in the water!

I weighed in this morning at the gym and I only lost 0.2 pounds - but it was better than I expected because I enjoyed Friday & Saturday's good times not on the diet :)
So now I'm at an even 14 pounds!! And after this week's crazy workouts and good food journaling, I have great hopes for next week!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Last weigh in for HCC program!

I weighed in in my bathing suit last night (I may do all future weigh-ins in my b.suit...) and lost 1.8 pounds for a total of 13.8 pounds! That's about 1.3 pounds per week for 10 weeks! Very healthy, if I do say so myself... :)

I'm going to continue with the "Life after HCC" program where you can weigh-in at the gym on Wed or Thurs every week for 4 weeks.  If you maintain your weight or lose at the end of the 4 weeks, then you get $75 of 'gym' bucks to use towards training groups or classes at the gym! There's also a winner for the one who loses the most during that time :)

New goal? To lose weight in the next 4 weeks and earn my gym bucks!!
New goal #2? To work out 6 out of 7 days/week until the end of May. (Why only 6? Because I have a tendency to get down on myself when I don't make a goal and I'm trying to be realistic for my life.  Why only May? Because I want to make new goals at the end of May - and I'm sure that working out that much will stay a goal for a long time - but I need to make due dates for my goals so that I can reward myself and then make another goal!)

Speaking of which... I'm due a haircut at Lava Salon, but I think instead, I'm going to buy a heart rate monitor and stick Lava Salon onto the next big goal (so end of May, I will get a haircut). :)